Thursday, April 7, 2011

January-March 2011 Docs Team happenings


The Docs team participated in several events during January-March 2011.

Core conversations and sessions at DrupalCon Chicago

  • We led a very productive discussion on a new help system for Drupal 8, which spanned a “Core Conversation” session and two Birds of a Feather sessions, and which will hopefully result in an improved Help module for Drupal 8 core (see Priorities section below for more information).
  • We also presented a more general session on the state of the Documentation and Docs Team, and a call for participation/contribution. The video from the session should be posted on soon. Several people contacted us afterwards to find out how to get involved (besides the people who attended the sprint—more information on that below).

Documentation sprint at DrupalCon Chicago

So many docs sprinters! Ariane led the main sprint in person in Chicago, while Jennifer joined via IRC from Seattle to lead the API docs sprinters. We peaked at 45 people in early afternoon, and there were certainly more attendees throughout the course of the day. Many commented and/or signed up on to show their attendance, and here are some highlights:

  • drewish helped get several new people up to speed on contributing to API documentation. His quote of the day: “Docs are so much more fun. You can actually finish a patch in under an hour” (as compared to doing core code patches). He asked Jennifer not to spread the word about this, so he could keep all the fun and credit to himself, but she ignored that part. :) jeffschuler also worked on API docs, and drumm came by for a bit to answer some questions about API module.
  • carolyn, liberatr, rootwork, and a pile of other folks worked on the theme docs! They are brave souls, and actually got a bunch of the theme docs updated with Drupal 7 information.
  • wilbyr and greggmarshall started rearranging some distribution docs to get a solid base for this growing.
  • gravelpot, mikechase, and some others worked on reviewing the Drupal 6 to 7 upgrade docs (the core upgrade docs are now finished!)
  • jjkd, skjalf, bmadore, and others got us closer to having all of the Drupal 7 core module docs updated.
  • itangalo, kvantomme, and eric_sea worked on planning and prototyping some of the new documentation and help system infrastructure improvements.
  • chachasikes did some visualizations and diagrams of data migration methods.
  • And more... we were so busy we can’t remember it all!
Thanks to all who participated in the sprint!!!

Other events

Several groups held smaller, but still mighty, documentation sprints, such as one led by bmadore and company on a bus trip from Minneapolis to DrupalCon.
And there was a lot of informal docs sprinting in the Sheraton lobby all through the week as well!

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