Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DrupalCon Denver Final Sessions Are Posted

The final session selections for DrupalCon Denver were announced this week. DrupalCon will take place March 19-23, 2012. Get your tickets soon so that you don't miss out on over 100 sessions across 8 tracks! This year we have added tracks specifically for Non-profit, Government & Education, in addition to Community, Commerce, Mobile, Design & User Experience, Business & Strategy, Coding & Development, Site Building, and Core Conversations.

Conference Dates:

March 19 - Pre-conference trainings -- over 16 from beginners to advanced + API Hack-a-thon
March 20 - 22 - Three complete days of 104 sessions starting with Keynotes: Dries Buytaert, Founder of Drupal and Drupal Project lead, Mitchell Baker, chairperson for the Mozilla Foundation, and Luke Wroblewski, digital product leader coming to talk about mobile.
March 22 - Drupal Means Business - included with conference registration to learn how to integrate Drupal into your business.
March 23 - All-day Contribution Sprint -- one of the largest anywhere!

Plus, parties, ski trips, networking, contests and more, all for the $350 conference fee! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for helping this to remain one of the lowest cost open source conferences around.
Get your ticket to DrupalCon Denver today. What are you waiting for? We want to see you in Denver!
P.S. Conference registration is $350 until February 21 or when tickets are gone! Early registration helps us to plan the conference and keep our costs low by only ordering what is needed. A limited number of 1/2-priced student tickets are still available.

For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com
source: http://drupal.org/

Monday, January 23, 2012

Drupal Association 2012 elections

Come one, come all! As of January 18, 2012 nominations are open for the 2012 elections of two "at large" directors of the Drupal Association.

The at large directors are intended to represent the Drupal community. Specifics of the election were decided through a community-based process with participation by dozens of Drupal community members. More details are in the proposal that was approved by the Drupal Association board.

Who can vote?

Voting is open to all individuals who have a drupal.org account by the time the elections begin and who have logged in at least once in the past year. These individuals' accounts will be added to the voters list on association.drupal.org and they will have access to the voting.

To vote, you will rank candidates in order of your preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). The results will be calculated using an "instant runoff" method. For an accessible explanation of how instant runoff vote tabulation works, see videos linked in this discussion.
For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com
source: http://drupal.org/

Monday, January 16, 2012

Drupal Predictions for 2012 from Dries Buytaert

The original creator and project lead for the Drupal open source web publishing and collaboration platform, Dries Buytaert was full of optimism and enthusiasm for the coming year.

Here are some of the predictions he made on his blog at buytaert.net on January 05, 2012.

1) As Drupal gains in popularity, the number of developers/shops getting involved will increase, and the Drupal ecosystem on the whole will expand greatly. However, there could be a danger that individual companies who don't invest in marketing may actually see fewer clients as a result. Marketing will be a much larger focus of the business community in 2012.

2) I hope 2012 will be the year of the Drupal entrepreneur. Drupal companies who specialize in one particular aspect, such as Pantheon, Drupal Commerce, and Tag1 Consulting have seen a lot of success or promise in 2011 (specialization is a form of marketing, after all), but there are many more niches to fill, and many niches that have plenty of room for multiple companies -- something we sometimes seem to forget. I'd love to see more entrepreneurial spirit within the Drupal community.

3) Another thing I'd love to see is more young people engaging with Drupal in 2012, and have this be a measure of Drupal's success. Some of us old farts are busy raising kids these days. ;-) New, vibrant energy in the community from young people is a hallmark of a great community.

Drupal, with a revamped administrative interface, is well suited for web applications of any kind from web logs (blogs) and micro sites to collaborative social communities. Drupal sports a new user interface, accessibility improvements, better image handling capabilities, support for rich content metadata, security features, scalability and database interoperability enhancements and automated tests to ensure stability.

4) I predict more distributions will be created than ever before. We still haven't fully cracked the code on business models for distributions though. That is important because they are expensive to build and maintain. We're seeing early traction with the support business model around distributions, but in 2012, I think we'll see people experiment with more of a client/server model. That is, people will use distributions as a way to sell different kinds of hosted services.

5) Usability is still the number one reason people choose competing solutions to Drupal. Not because the existing features are hard to use — usability of Drupal was vastly improved in Drupal 7 — but because of lack of out-of-the-box features, such as content workflow and content staging tools, accurate content previews, WYSIWYG, media handling, and scheduling. However, I predict that very little significant work will happen on many of these fronts without multiple companies investing a lot of resources into it. In any case, we will need to make Drupal core bigger, as we try and make it smaller.

Expert team of Drupal developers can provide end-to-end services in Web development using Drupal software for professional and large scale applications.

6) We're going from a pure web world, to a world where there are increasingly more mobile applications. A more diverse world with web sites and web applications. Current website developers will be forced to adapt. Fortunately, Drupal will be well-poised to handle this, both in contrib in Drupal 7 and in core in Drupal 8. I also predict that a number of Drupal shops will re-position themselves to be strong players in the mobile-Drupal world.

7) Someone will fly a Druplicon shaped hot air balloon.

For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com

Friday, January 13, 2012

COD 2012 Update: New co-maintainer, Drupal 7 & Acquia

With several flagship conference sites in a range of industries and amazing list of features added to COD 6.x, 2011 was an amazing year for COD.

As we begin 2012, it’s time to provide an update on what’s new with COD and what you can expect to see coming up.

New sites in showcase:

We’ve seen COD continue to gain popularity with a range of conference sites in various industries. Be sure to check the site showcase as we update it frequently. If you’ve deployed a COD site, please submit it to the COD showcase so that you can show it off and receive credit!

Via usecod.com

For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Drupal 2012 News & Previews

First huge event for 2012 we found is "Down Under": Drupal Downunder will bring together the people who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform in Australia and New Zealand. Starting on friday the 13th for 3 days at Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth Street in Melbourne (Victoria/Australia).

Next spotlight event is in Massachusetts: Western Mass Drupal Camp on january 21st 2012, followed by the Florida DrupalCamp on feb. 11th/12th.

Not to forget the Drupal Science Camp 2012 in Cambridge on january 21st/22nd.

For all europeans, especially germans, take a look at the upcoming DrupalCamp Essen 2012, taking place on feb. 25/26th.

Need more sun and sand? Then that´s for you: Drupal SandCamp San Diego (January 25-28th) & Drupal Summit Latino12 (January 19th - 21th).

The first DrupalCon event happening in 2012 comes up in march, from 19th to 23rd the Drupal-World will be get together in Denver. A lot drupal heroes like Dries, Angie "Webchick" Byron, Bryan House are already confirmed as speakers. And of course Drupal 8 will be an important topic.

In Vienna (Austria) from may 3rd to 5th there´s the "Drupal Business Days Vienna 2012"-event.

Read more..
 For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla areTop in 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Report

Water&stone released its 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Report, which shows that Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla command the market, but Concrete5 had a great year and is a CMS to watch.
The report looks at the brand strength and market share of 20 open source web content management systems, and findings indicate that the market is both deeper and wider this year over 2010, making the "top 20" harder to call.

Top Twenty

The Top 20 open source content management systems listed in the report are (in alphabetical order):
  • Alfresco Web CMS
  • CMSMadeSimple
  • Concrete5
  • DotNetNuke
  • Drupal
  • e107
  • eZ Publish
  • Joomla!
  • Liferay
  • MODx
  • Movable Type
  • OpenCms
  • Plone
  • SilverStripe
  • Textpattern
  • Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
  • Typo3
  • Umbraco
  • WordPress
  • Xoops
The report looked at rate of adoption and brand strength. Data gathered included downloads, installations and third-party support, but getting this data was problematic. For example, download data was not available for all the systems, so take the results with a big dash of salt. To determine weekly downloads, often the source relied on was a spokesperson for the CMS.


With a 517% increase in downloads, Concrete5 is this year's little CMS that could. Although Wordpress downloads dropped by about 34% in 2011, the CMS remains the most popular with almost 645,000 downloads.
 Read more..
 For more information on Drupal Development, Drupal Expert, Drupal Developer and Drupal Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com